RFID Solution for Laundries

Schaubild RFID Wäscheortung Solcon Systemtechnik

RFID tags for identification of linen and laundry simplify the administration of those items in industrial laundries, hotels or hospitals. Manual sorting becomes unnecessary  and it can be determined automatically, which item has to go where and in which unit the wear of flat textile products is the highest.

Pieces of laundry often get lost or get mixed up. Medical garments for example underlie specific restrictions and have to fulfill certain requirements for hygienic and safety reasons.  Textile UHF-RFID transponder help with the automatic pre-sorting so every single item goes to its specific reconditioning process. This way the efficiency can be increased and the costs can be reduced.

One main advantage of the UHF-RFID technology is the long reading range. With this technology it is possible to identify each single item in bulk. This even works with wet garments. The robust, textile RFID tags are even washable. On a computer screen you can track if the items were washed and cleaned, if they are currently being dried of if they have been packed up and delivered yet.


They system can be used for tracking the wear of leased garments to optimally calculate costs and prices.